Corrugated Microflute Cradboard

Corrugated microflute. Microflute packaging. Packing products. Packaging for pizza. Cartons.

Corrugated cardboard packaging. Packing.

Sevastopol. The Crimea. Ukraine.

Corrugated microflute is a three-layered corrugated carton of 1,5-1,8 mm caliper. Its types can vary depending on flat layers quality (brown, white, chalk-overlay ones). Unlike corrugated cardboard, corrugated microflute has weaker strengthening characteristics due to its lesser thickness and that’s why is used for lightweight packaging manufacture which requires good marketable style.

If close to carton thickness, corrugated microflute has a wide range of the following advantages:

-first, the box made of corrugated microflute of this type, is light and quite firm at once, it protects the goods inside better than other materials and due to its multi-layers structure is less subjected to possible damages;

-second, corrugated microflute is a perfect material both for packing goods of small and big sizes, like food, cosmetics or pharmaceutical products. “Micro-waves” allow to produce packaging of a very little size, which if made of a conventional thin type of carton, loses solidity;

-third, structural  abilities of corrugated microflute give us an opportunity to create  “masterpieces” of packaging, like gifts packing. These properties of microflute can also be used for manufacturing  “small advertising forms” such as display stands for goods presentation and displaying in supermarkets etc. At the same time corrugated microflute is cheaper and ess polluting than the traditional materials usually used for the same purposes.

We offer a wide range of existing packaging designs made of corrugated microflute of T-23 class (white). These are different types of packing for pizza, confectionary, souvenirs and up-market products.

Price-list of products made of corrugated microflute:

Cardboard class

Cardboard color

Cost per square metre, UAH

Simple die-cutting

Complicated die-cutting

Corrugated microflute, T23-class




Besides the standard designs we can create a custom made carton to meet your particular requirements. Our specialists will be happy to provide you with high-quality design services and recommendations on packaging construction. Professional approach to packing design guarantees our clients significant time and money saving.

All products are certified and fully comply with the State Standards’ requirements.
High quality of our products always goes with the particular care for the customer detailed requirements in terms of technical parameters, marking, shipping etc

If you need corrugated cardboard or microflute corrugated cardboard packing, please fill out the order form to receive a sales letter.


| Corrugated Cardboard | Microflute Corrugated Cardboard | Corrugated Cardboard Packing | Microflute Corrugated Cardboard Packing- | | Corrugated Cardboard Boxes (State Standard 9142-90) | Packaging Design | We Purchase | Price List |
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Limited Liability Company "Center of Design and Packaging", Sevastopol
Designing and Manufacturing of any Cardboard Packing.