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Corrugated Cardboard Packing. Cardboard Products.

Corrugated Cardboard Package. Order Form.

Sevastopol, the Crimea, Ukraine

For objective reasons it’s impossible to define the price for the cardboard products in advance.  First of all it’s because one cannot know the quantity of the waste materials beforehand. Secondly, we offer a flex system of discounts depending on the size of an order; and discounts for the regular customers. But the most important and principal moment is our strive for cooperation with all long-term clients and finding the best solutions for their goals.

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| Corrugated Cardboard | Microflute Corrugated Cardboard | Corrugated Cardboard Packing | Microflute Corrugated Cardboard Packing- | | Corrugated Cardboard Boxes (State Standard 9142-90) | Packaging Design | We Purchase | Price List |
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The development, hosting Web-Life 2008.

Яндекс цитирования Rambler's Top100
Limited Liability Company "Center of Design and Packaging", Sevastopol
Designing and Manufacturing of any Cardboard Packing.